
 Principal Investigator (Lab Head)
 E-mail: linglingchen@sibcb.ac.cn


Ling-Ling Chen carried out doctoral and post-doctoral work at the UConn Health, USA from 2004 to 2010. She also completed an MBA degree at the UConn Business School in 2009 and was promoted to Assistant Professor in Residence at UConn in 2010. Chen moved to Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as an independent PI in 2011. She was selected as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) International Research Scholar in 2017, and as a New Cornerstone Investigator in 2022. She has been appointed as the Associate Director, State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology since 2017, and as the Director of the Key Laboratory of RNA Innovation, Science and Engineering, CAS since 2022. Her research has made important contributions to our understanding of the diversity, biogenesis and function of long coding RNAs (lncRNAs), in particular, the biogenesis of circular RNAs and their impact on innate immunity, and the snoRNA-related lncRNAs in the assembly and function of nuclear bodies.



Education and Training

2004-2009 PhD, Biomedical Science, University of Connecticut Health, USA with Gordon Carmichael                                                   
2007-2009 MBA, Management, University of Connecticut, Business school, USA
2000-2003 M.S., Pharmacology, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS, China
1996-2000  B.S., Biology, Lanzhou University, China


Professional Positions

2011- Principal Investigator, CEMCS, SIBCB, CAS, China                                                       
2010-2011 Asst. Prof. in Residence, Dept. of Genet & Dev Biol, UConn Health, USA                                                                      
2009-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, UConn Health, USA with Gordon Carmichael


Institutional Responsibilities

2023-          Director, Key Laboratory of RNA Innovation, Science and Engineering (RISE), CAS, China                                                      
2017-2023 Associate Director, State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology, CAS, China                                  


Selected Professional Activities (Current)

2019-2027  Director, Gene Regulation, Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2021- Associate Editor, RNA
2020- Advisory Board, Cell
2020- Board of Reviewing Editor, Science
2020- Advisory Board, Mol Cell
2020- Advisory Board, Cell Chem Biol
2020- Advisory Board, Trends Biochem Sci
2020- Advisory Board, Trends Cell Biol
2015- Advisory Board, Trends in Genetics
2014- Editorial Board, Genome Biology
2017- Specialist Advisor on lncRNA genes for the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee                                                                 
2019-2021 Meetings Committee and Nomination Committee, the RNA Society


Selected Prizes, Awards, Honors

2024           Second Prize of National Natural Science Award
2024           FAOBMB Award for Research Excellence
2023           Shanghai Outstanding Talents
2022 New Cornerstone Investigator
2021 RNA Society Mid-Career Research Award
2020 Science and Technology Award for Young Scientists of China
2020 Xplorer Prize
2017 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) International Research Scholar
2017 C.C. Tan (Jia-Zhen Tan) Life Science Award
2017 Promega Innovation Award for Cell Biology
2016 Chinese Biological Investigators Society (CBIS) Young Investigator Award
2016 Asian-Pacific Molecular Biology Network (A-IMBN) Research Young Investigator Award                                                          
2016 Shanghai Science and Technology Elite Award
2016 L’OREAL China for Women in Science


Selected Co-organization of International Meetings

2024             Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Conference on Nuclear Bodies: Hubs of Genomic Activity                    
2024 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Conference on Regulatory & Non-coding RNAs
2023 The 28th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society
2022 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Conference on Regulatory & Non-coding RNAs
2022 Cold Spring Harbor Asia (CSHA) Conference on RNA Biology
2021 Keystone Symposium on Non-Coding RNAs
2021 Noncoding RNA World: From Mechanism to Therapy
2021 Japanese Society for Developmental Biology/Asia-Pacific Developmental Biology Network
2020 The 25th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society
2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Conference on Regulatory & Non-coding RNAs
2018 Cold Spring Harbor Asia (CSHA) Conference on RNA Biology


Selected Invited Plenary and Keynote Lectures

2024              Cell Symposia on Functional RNAs, Beijing, China (Keynote)
2024 National Academic Conference of CSBMB, Changsha, China (Keynote)
2024 Non-coding RNA World 2024: Exploring Mechanisms, Designing Medicines, Basel, Switzerland 2024 (Keynote)
2024 Sydney RNA Salon, Australia (Keynote)
2024 RNA Symposium: Nature’s Unsolved Puzzles, Singapore (Keynote)
2023 The Non-Coding Genome, the EMBO | EMBL Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany (Keynote)
2023 Keystone Symposia on Biomolecular Condensates: Emerging Cellular and Biophysical Roles/Protein-RNA Interactions, Vancouver, Canada (Plenary)
2023 Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic mRNA Processing, USA (Keynote)
2022 The 7th Annual Meeting of the Danish RNA Society: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications (virtual), Denmark (Keynote)
2022 CSHL Regulatory & Non-coding RNAs Meeting (in hybrid), Cold Spring Harbor, USA (Keynote)
2022 Australasian RNA Biology and Biotechnology Conference (in hybrid), Australia (Keynote)
2021 National Meeting on Phase Separation, Shenzhen, China (Keynote)
2019 Australian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Perth, Australia (Plenary)
2018 The International Meeting of Biophysics, Chengdu, China (Keynote)
2017 International Society of Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, Boston, USA (Plenary) 












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